Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wild Life

The build was visited by both a mega stick insect and a snake that likes stress less more than me


  1. Please tell me that snake is fake!

  2. snake is quite real.
    i opened the garage on morning to find it making sweet sweet love to a grinder lead

  3. I wish you'd told me about that, wouldn't want it giving me a love bite when rockin' it's shaggin' wagon.

  4. i crawled into the back of stress less and curled up. I thought it would fr34k as I dragged move SL out of the way, but it ignored all of the bumps while i dragged it 50m away from the house. It even ignored the empty flowerpot and small rock i threw at it trying to inspire it to move. It just wanted a sleep. It had moved out the following day.
