Friday, September 9, 2011


a couple of pictures i have been sitting on from the worlds, first courtesy of Thierry and the second from Ben Rankine.



I purchased a 2 piece mail foil off a friend at the worlds and spent most evenings adapting it to suit the boat. Only got it ready for the final day of racing. On the way to the start line, after 20 seconds of foiling it failed thru the socket, pushrod tearing open the TE of the vertical. 

Once the lifter had departed, the rapid descent must have overloaded the bottom leg of the gantry, it bucking under compression. I have a Dave Lister style articulating gantry which saved the rest of the gantry, but it rotated up and snapped the tiller off on the hull. 

I was able to recover the lifter vertical, gantry and rudder were still attached, but the tiller/worm drive/extension goned. 


  1. Love the second photo. Why does some punter always have to come sailing across what otherwise would have been a perfectly good photograph? Your rudder is so high aspect I can barely make it out...also the boat looks rather like a jet ski in that configuration, with you standing upon it and all. Did the welded gantry give up?

  2. Bloody Rankine the punter. The poor lad always puts himself in situations where he is on stb and in the wrong. Like Perth nats where he denied Fluka second place overall to a tall lanky ginger headed chap. Alas the photo up top proves the point.

  3. Doink wrote the above comment

  4. Karl,

    I purchased a 2 piece mail foil off a friend at the worlds and spent most evenings adapting it to suit the boat. Only got it ready for the final day of racing. On the way to the start line, after 20 seconds of foiling it failed thru the socket, pushrod tearing open the TE of the vertical.

    Once the lifter had departed, the rapid descent must have overloaded the bottom leg of the gantry, it bucking under compression. I have a Dave Lister style articulating gantry which saved the rest of the gantry, but it rotated up and snapped the tiller off at the hull.

    I was able to recover the lifter vertical, gantry and rudder were still attached, but the tiller/worm drive/extension goned.
