Probably the first regatta where the foilers leaked more than the scows.
Fleet was 3x M2, 1x BR RX, 1x BR x8, 1x Assassin, 1x Home built foiler, 1x LR HT, 5ish scows.
More photos here, some are good.
I got back from a trip to china on the 17th, was hoping to make it out on the 18th but was struck down with teh ills, so i caught a ride on a rescue boat instead.
Perfect weather, nice easy 13kts or so when i was there on teh sunday. Appartently the saturday was much windier with some short chop.
Final foiler results:
1. Brent Pearson
2. Sandy Cavill
3. Steve Sherring
Final results for scows:
1. Mick Kohler
2. Pete Williamson
3. Mike Willcocks
Just one skiff, Nick Taylor.
In other news Nick has found an underloved BR RX and is giving it some loving till its sold. w00t! training partner.
looks like real nice reagtta - who was the Assassin owner?